10-03 Modern or period?

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Beautyqueen: I’ve never really liked living in period homes. Too many things just want to break down. Right now we’re living in a slightly older house. It’s not really modern, except for the two bathrooms. It just feels old. Sometimes I wish I lived in a newer home. It would be easier to clean things and make everything look good. What do you think? Is it better to live in an older home or newer home? Do you find that newer homes lack charm and warmth?

Stella: I would prefer to live in a new house rather than an old house. No doubt old houses look good but ask the one who actually lives there: low ceilings, bad electricity wiring and water supply, no modern conveniences. I can live in an old house but for vacations only. Talking about warmth in a house then it is mostly in old houses, in other words homes. Newer houses are just for comfort.

Robert: I live in a period house. It was built in 1914. It doesn’t have much insulation except for what we have put in. The wiring is old except for what we have updated. But newer homes are not made to last. Most modern homes are built with pine and are just made cheaper. My house is built with oak and walnut and has stood the test of time. Sometimes I wish I had a new house but at the same time I know how well this house was made. It needs lots of work, though. Currently my daughter Gwen’s room and the bathroom are being completely renovated. Both attics and the basement are being repaired. As for charm, to me it is the style, not how old the house is.

Angel: I prefer living in new houses. In my opinion, new houses have more modern conveniences. They’re more convenient to live in because everything is handy. But I don’t mind living in an old house as long as I feel comfortable. It all depends.

Coolguy: I’d prefer to live in an old house, which is charming, homey and full of memories... And I can’t afford to build a new house...

Germione: I have never lived in a brand new or modern house. The house we are living in now is old, well over 100 years old in fact, and it is our first home. I have come to love this old house, but it is cold in winter that is my only bug with it. In fact, it is cold all year round! I think it is because it is so spacious, plus the ceilings are really high too.

The Irish Rose: Both modern and period houses have their advantages and disadvantages. I currently live in a 40-year-old house. Houses built back then did not have a lot of insulation. So when it’s hot, it’s even hotter. When it’s cold, you’re freezing. But the history of the house is so rich and it might even surprise you what it was originally used for. Now when you talk about a newer house, cooling and heating would be much easier too since they now come with a lot of insulation. With new houses, you get the sense of safety. Personally, I would rather live in a new one.

Cinderella: I clean houses for a living and most of my clients have newer houses as they have the money to afford them and me for cleaning their house. I don’t like the newer houses; they just don’t have any character. I prefer the older homes that have character. I like the older houses because they were  built stronger back then. Nowadays the houses are put up so fast and with the cheapest wood, they will need more repairs in the long run.




















































Автор ментальной карты - учитель английского языка ГУО “СШ №7 г.Речицы” Гомельской области ГРИГОРЬЕВА Наталья Николаевна.



















































Автор ментальной карты - учитель английского языка ГУО “Речицкий районный лицей” Гомельской области САЖИНА Елена Владимировна.



















































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Quiz User Score
10-03 Modern or period? Григорьева Н.Н. 100.00 %
10-03 Modern or period? Ксения Рацыбовская 100.00 %
10-03 Modern or period? Денис Стракович 100.00 %
10-03 Modern or period? ИсаченковАртем 100.00 %
10-03 Modern or period? Артём Гурченко 100.00 %
10-03 Modern or period? Ксения Рацыбовская 87.88 %
10-03 Modern or period? Денис Стракович 87.88 %
10-03 Modern or period? ИсаченковАртем 87.88 %
10-03 Modern or period? Никита Дегтярёв 87.88 %
10-03 Modern or period? Ксения Рацыбовская 83.33 %
10-03 Modern or period? ИсаченковАртем 77.27 %
10-03 Modern or period? Ксения Рацыбовская 75.76 %
10-03 Modern or period? Денис Стракович 75.76 %
10-03 Modern or period? Ксения Рацыбовская 51.52 %
10-03 Modern or period? Алексей Глушак 51.52 %
10-03 Modern or period? ИсаченковАртем 40.91 %
10-03 Modern or period? Ксения Рацыбовская 30.30 %
10-03 Modern or period? Денис Стракович 19.70 %
10-03 Modern or period? Денис Стракович 9.09 %

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