9-28 Здоровый образ жизни

The greatest wealth is health

Want to become a healthier person? It’s all about making gradual changes.
Хотите стать более здоровым человеком?                 Все дело в постепенных изменениях.

Following the tips in this article offers several benefits (the usefulness of a situation) for you:
Следование советам в этой статье предлагает несколько преимуществ для вас:

lower risk of several diseases, and the chance to live a long and happy life.
снижение риска нескольких заболеваний, и шанс прожить длинную и счастливую жизнь.

Get lots of sleep. To be healthy you’ll need 8–10 hours of sleep every day.
Высыпайтесь как следует. Чтобы быть здоровым, вам понадобится 8-10 часов сна каждый день.

This keeps you awake and attentive, so you don’t have to drink caffeine and sugar-loaded energy drinks.
Это поддержит вас бодрыми и внимательными, так что вам не придется пить кофеин и нагруженные сахаром энергетические напитки.

Laugh and smile! Smiling and laughing a lot, as it has been scientifically proved, keeps you healthier.
Смейтесь и улыбайтесь! Улыбка и смех в большом количестве, как это было научно доказано, поддержат ваше здоровье

• Do nothing for a short while. Staying in a dark, quiet place without having any stressful thoughts for about ten minutes  
ничего не делайте короткое время. Пребывание в темном, тихом месте без каких-либо напряженных мыслей в течение около десяти минут
will help you relax (rest) and feel better.                                              Just do this twice a day.
поможет вам расслабиться (отдохнуть) и почувствовать себя лучше. Просто делайте это дважды в день.

Eat more fruit and vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet (the food that a person  usually eats).
Ешьте больше фруктов и овощей. Фрукты и овощи являются важной частью здорового питания (Пища, которую человек обычно ест).​

Try to get at least 2–3 portions of fruit per day.
Старайтесь получать не менее 2-3 порций фруктов в день.

Drink water! Good old H2O is key to making you work throughout the day. Try drinking 250-gram glasses of water three times a day.
Пейте воду! Старый добрый H2O является ключом к созданию вашей работы в течение дня. Попробуйте пить 250-граммовые стаканы воды три раза в день.

It helps you re-energise and keep going. Not drinking enough fresh water leads to headaches and other problems.
Это поможет вам восстановить энергию и продолжать идти. Недостаточное употребление пресной воды приводит к головным болям и другим проблемам.

Do this, and you’ll stay in good condition.
Сделайте это, и вы останетесь в хорошем состоянии.
Get a little exercise every day. This will not only make you feel better, and make you look better, but help you to get through the day.
Упражняйитесь понемногу каждый день. Это не только заставит вас чувствовать себя лучше, но и выглядеть лучше, но и поможет вам пройти через день.

Stretch! It feels great! From when you wake up in the morning, to your gym class,
Растягивайся! Он чувствует себя прекрасно! От того, когда вы просыпаетесь утром, до вашего урока физкультуры,

this easy form of muscle exercise warms you up and makes you more flexible (able to bend and move easily).
эта легкая форма упражнений для мышц согревает вас и делает вас более гибкими (способными легко сгибаться и двигаться).

Run and jog (running at a slow speed for exercise)! This doesn’t necessarily mean run five miles every morning, 
Бегай на скорость и трусцой (бег на малой скорости для физических упражнений)! Это не обязательно означает пробегать пять миль каждое утро,

just for about 10 minutes twice a week will keep you in shape.
всего около 10 минут два раза в неделю будет держать вас в форме.

Don’t ever run for an hour and then suddenly stop and sit on the couch for another hour. It will hurt to walk the next day. 
Никогда не бегайте в течение часа, а затем внезапно не остановливайтесь и не сидите на диване еще час. На следующий день будет больно ходить.

Challenge yourself. If you do 10 push-ups (using your arms to raise and lower your body when lying on the floor) as your maximum, try going for 12! Little challenges like this keep your body nice and fit (strong, able to do physical exercises without getting tired).

Do something you love. Play with a pet, go swimming, ride a bike or go for a walk. If you had a bad day at school, doing things you love to do will keep you in a good mood and take out your anger. Not only is this fun, but it lets you be yourself for a while (какое-то время). Try it!

The greatest wealth is health































































































Раскрывайте ветви ментальной карты нажатием на кружки в конце ее ветвей, чтобы проверить свои ответы.
Карта перетаскивается в удобное положение левой кнопкой мыши. Внизу карты меняются параметры просмотра (свернуть/развернуть все ветви  ...).

Cоставьте рассказ по этому опорному конспекту, не раскрывая его ветвей, чтобы продемонстрировать усвоение Вами материала на уровне 8-9 баллов. 




























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9-28 The greatest wealth is health Коцур Алеся 100.00 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Коцур Алеся 100.00 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Даниил Кирсанов 100.00 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Даниил Кирсанов 100.00 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Анна Цалко 100.00 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Полина Реут 100.00 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Guest 100.00 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Guest 100.00 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Guest 100.00 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Guest 100.00 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Guest 100.00 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Guest 100.00 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Даниил Кирсанов 84.62 %
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9-28 The greatest wealth is health Guest 82.05 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Guest 82.05 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health КосенковаИра 81.82 %
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9-28 The greatest wealth is health Даниил Кирсанов 79.49 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health КосенковаИра 79.49 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Полина Реут 79.49 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Guest 79.49 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Guest 79.49 %
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9-28 The greatest wealth is health МасензовИлья 75.76 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health ЛагутаАлексей 75.76 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Даниил Кирсанов 64.10 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Даниил Кирсанов 64.10 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Даниил Кирсанов 64.10 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health КосенковаИра 64.10 %
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9-28 The greatest wealth is health Guest 61.54 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health МасензовИлья 57.58 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health МасензовИлья 54.55 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health МасензовИлья 54.55 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Даниил Кирсанов 46.15 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health КосенковаИра 46.15 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health КосенковаИра 43.59 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health МасензовИлья 36.36 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health КорзунНастя 36.36 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health МасензовИлья 33.33 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health ЛагутаАлексей 33.33 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health ЛагутаАлексей 33.33 %
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9-28 The greatest wealth is health Guest 33.33 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Guest 33.33 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Даниил Кирсанов 30.77 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Даниил Кирсанов 30.77 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health КосенковаИра 30.77 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Даниил Кирсанов 17.95 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Даниил Кирсанов 17.95 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health МасензовИлья 15.15 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Даниил Кирсанов 15.15 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Даниил Кирсанов 15.15 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health ЛагутаАлексей 15.15 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Даниил Кирсанов 12.82 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health КосенковаИра 12.82 %
9-28 The greatest wealth is health Guest 12.82 %

Health idioms 

alive and kicking - to be well and healthy.
My aunt is ninety years old and she is very much alive and kicking.
alive and well - to be well and healthy
The worker was alive and well after the accident.
as fit as a fiddle  - to be healthy and physically fit
My grandfather is ninety years old but he is as fit as a fiddle.
as pale as a ghost - extremely pale
My grandfather was as pale as a ghost when he entered the hospital.
as pale as death - extremely pale
The woman in the hospital waiting room was as pale as death.
at death's door - very near death
The sales manager was at death's door after his heart attack.
back on one's feet - physically healthy again
My mother is back on her feet after being sick for two weeks.
bitter pill to swallow - an unpleasant fact that one must accept
Losing the election was a bitter pill to swallow for the candidate.
black-and-blue - bruised, showing signs of having been physically harmed
My arm was black-and-blue after falling down the stairs.
black out - to lose consciousness, to faint, to pass out
The football player blacked out after being hit by the other player.
break down - to lose control of one's emotions, to have a nervous collapse
The woman broke down while the lawyer questioned her at the trial.
break out in a cold sweat - to perspire from fever or anxiety
I usually break out in a cold sweat when I have to make a speech.
break out in (something) - to begin showing a rash or other skin disorder
I broke out in a rash after eating the shrimp at the restaurant.
breathe one's last - to die
The man breathed his last after a long illness.
bring (someone) around - to restore someone to health or consciousness, to cure someone
The medical workers were able to bring the man around after the accident.
bring (someone) to - to restore someone to consciousness after anesthesia/hypnosis/fainting
We tried hard to bring the woman to after the car accident.
bundle of nerves - a very nervous or anxious person
The woman is a bundle of nerves after looking after her three children.
burn (oneself) out - to become very tired and almost sick from doing something for a long time or from working too hard
After working long hours for many months the woman finally burned herself out.
catch a cold - to get a cold
I caught a cold last week and had to miss four days of work.
catch one's death of cold - to become very ill (with a cold/flu etc.)
The little boy was told to be careful in the rain or he would catch his death of cold.
- an examination of a patient by a doctor
I plan to have my annual check-up next week.
clean bill of health
- a report or certificate that a person or animal is healthy
My doctor gave me a clean bill of health when I visited him last month.
come down with (something)
- to become sick with something, to catch an illness
My niece came down with a cold and was unable to visit me last week.
couch doctor
- a psychoanalyst or psychiatrist who puts his patients on a couch to talk to them
The man was sent to see a couch doctor because of his many problems.
die a natural death
- to die by disease or of old age and not by an accident or by violence
My grandfather was very old and he died a natural death.
a dose of one's own medicine
- the same treatment that one gives to others (usually this has a negative meaning)
We gave the boy a dose of his own medicine after he bullied us.
draw blood
- to make someone bleed, to get blood from someone
The doctor decided to draw blood from the patient in order to check his blood sugar level.
drop dead
- to die suddenly
The bus driver dropped dead while driving the bus.
fall ill
- to become sick or ill
The man fell ill last winter and has not recovered yet.
feel fit
- to feel well and healthy
I feel fit so I plan to go for a long walk this weekend.
feel on top of the world
- to feel very healthy
I have been feeling on top of the world since I quit my job.
fill a prescription
- to get some medicine from a pharmacy (drug store) with the orders from a doctor
The man went to the drug store to fill a prescription.
flare up
- to begin again suddenly (an illness or a disease)
My mother's skin problem flared up when she started to use the new hand soap.
a flare-up
- a sudden worsening of a health condition
There was a flare-up of my father's sickness last week.
get a black eye
- to get a bruise or darkened eye after being hit or after bumping into something
The boy got a black eye when he fell in the playground.
get a charley horse
- to develop a cramp in the arm or the leg
The swimmer got a charley horse while he was swimming.
get a checkup
- to receive a physical examination from a doctor
I go to the doctor every year to get a checkup.
get over (something)
- to overcome a difficulty, to recover from an illness or shock
The woman is having trouble getting over her father`s death.
get sick
- to become ill
I got sick yesterday and did not go to the movie.
get (something) out of one's system
- to get rid of the desire to do something
I went on a short holiday so that I could get travelling out of my system.
get well - to become well, to become healthy again
The boy was sick but now he is getting well.
give birth to have a baby
The woman gave birth to a baby boy last night.
go under the knife - to have an operation in surgery
The woman went under the knife at the hospital last evening.
green around the gills - to look sick
My colleague was looking a little green around the gills when he came to work today.
hang out one's shingle - to open an office or business - especially in a profession
The doctor decided to hang out his shingle as soon as he finished medical school.
have a physical (examination) - to get a medical check-up
Our company sent all the employees to have a physical last week.
have foot-in-mouth disease - to embarrass oneself through a silly mistake
The man has foot-in-mouth disease and is always saying stupid things.
have one foot in the grave
- to be near death (usually because of old age or illness)
My uncle is very sick and has one foot in the grave.
head shrinker - a psychiatrist
The man went to see a head shrinker after his recent problems at work.
in a family way
- pregnant, going to have a baby
Our new secretary is in a family way and plans to stop working soon.
in good shape/condition
- in good physical condition, functioning or working well
My grandfather is in very good shape.
in labor
- a woman going through childbirth
The woman was in labor for three hours.
in remission
- a disease that seems to be getting better
The cancer of my neighbor's mother has been in remission for several months.
in surgery
- undergoing surgery, doing surgery
The patient was in surgery for several hours this morning.
in the best of health
- very healthy
My father has been in the best of health for many years.
in the pink
- in very good health
My grandmother is in the pink and is doing very well.
just what the doctor ordered
- exactly what is needed or wanted
A nice hot bath was just what the doctor ordered after my long day at work.
kick a habit
- to break or stop a bad habit
The man used to smoke but he was able to kick the habit.
kink in one's neck
- a cramp in one's neck that causes pain
I woke up this morning with a kink in my neck.
lapse into a coma
- to go into a coma
The woman lapsed into a coma soon after the accident.
look the picture of health
- to be in good health, to look very healthy
My uncle looked the picture of health when I saw him last week.
nothing but skin and bones
- to be very thin or emaciated
The young man was nothing but skin and bones when he returned from the long camping trip.
nurse (someone) back to health
- to give someone care to restore him or her to good health
My mother spent several weeks with my grandmother trying to nurse her back to health.
on medication
- taking medicine for a current medical problem
The woman has been on medication for many years.
on the mend
- becoming better, becoming well, healing
My grandfather is on the mend after he broke his leg last week.
an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
- it is easier to prevent something bad than to deal with the results
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and I decided to stay home and rest rather than go out in the cold with my sore throat.
out cold
- unconscious, to have fainted
The patient was out cold because of the anesthesia when he entered the operating room.
out of condition
- not in good physical condition
I am out of condition and I need to exercise more.
out of shape
- not in good physical condition
My mother is out of shape and cannot walk for a long distance.
out of sorts
- not feeling well, in a bad mood
Our boss is out of sorts today so you should wait until tomorrow to speak to him.
over the worst
- recovering from an illness
The man is over the worst since his skiing accident last month.
pale around the gills
- to look sick
My colleague was looking a little pale around the gills when he came to work today.
pass away
- to die
The man's father passed away when he was 96 years old.
pass on
- to die
My grandmother passed on when she was 92 years old.
pass out
- to faint
Three teenage girls passed out at the rock concert.
pick up a cold/influenza
- to acquire an illness
The boy picked up a cold during the weekend.
picture of health
- a perfect example of health
The man is feeling very well and is the picture of health.
pull through
- to recover from a serious illness
The car accident was very bad and I do not think that the driver will pull through.
refill a prescription
- to sell a second set of medicine on a doctor's orders
I went to the pharmacy to refill a prescription for my mother.
rub salt in (someone's) wound
- to deliberately make someone's unhappiness or shame or misfortune worse
My supervisor rubbed salt in my wound when he continued to criticize me for my mistake.
run a fever/temperature
- to have a higher than normal body temperature
The girl has been running a fever this week.
The little boy is running a temperature and should stay in bed all day.
run down
- to be in poor condition
My father worked very hard last month and now he is run down.
run in the family
- to be a common family characteristic
The serious illness runs in the family of my friend.
run some tests
- to do some medical tests on a patient
The doctor decided to run some tests on the patient.
show signs of an illness
- to show indications or hints of an illness
The man was beginning to show signs of some kind of illness.
sick in bed
- to remain in bed while you are sick
My father was sick in bed for three days last week.
spit up (something) or spit (something) up
- to throw something up, to vomit something
The dog spit up the button that he had swallowed.
splitting headache
- a severe headache
I have been suffering from a splitting headache all morning.
susceptable to (something)
- to easily get some kind of illness, to likely to become sick with something
The young boy is very susceptable to getting a sore throat.
take a sick day
- to be absent from work and still receive pay
I did not feel well yesterday so I decided to take a sick day.
take a turn for the better
- to begin to improve or get well
The medical condition of my uncle has recently taken a turn for the better.
take a turn for the worse
- to become sicker
My aunt took a turn for the worse last week and she is now in the hospital.
take one's medicine
- to swallow one's medicine
The boy had to take his medicine before he went to bed.
take sick
- to become ill
The little boy took sick early last night.
take (someone's) pulse
- to measure the beats of a person's pulse
The doctor took the patient's pulse when she arrived at the hospital.
take (someone's) temperature
- to measure someone's body temperature
The nurse took my temperature when I went to the hospital yesterday.
a taste of one's own medicine
- the same treatment that one gives to others (usually this has a negative meaning)
Our boss got a taste of his own medicine when people began to treat him badly like he treats others.
throw up - to vomit
The woman threw up after eating the bad shellfish.
under the weather - not feeling well
My boss has been under the weather all week and has not come to work during that time.
up and about - healthy and moving around, not sick in bed
My uncle has been up and about for a couple of days since he left the hospital.


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"Здоровье", "Искусство", "Технологии"

Связь с лексическим материалом данного урока: 

Ban alcohol.
No smoking; ban cigarette manufacture.
Ban cars; free bikes issued to everyone.
Compulsory exercise every morning.
Compulsory diets for those more than 3 kilos overweight.
National Bed time at 10 p.m.
Reveille for all at 6 a.m.
No chemical additives in food.
Closure of all fish and chips hops and fast food outlets.
Sugar rationing.

Цель игры:

для каждого из этих студентов привлечь к себе как можно больше людей на свою сторону. Для этого они должны передвигаться по классу, объясняя политику своей партии другим студентам и пытаясь заставить их присоединиться к партии, используя речевой материал по теме урока.

Как играть в игру "Агитация" "Canvassing"

Сделайте по одной копии каждого манифеста. Выберите трех подходящих студентов и дайте каждому из них их один манифест.


а) каждый должен вступить в партию 
б) никто не может вступить более чем в одну партию 
в) как только студент вступил в партию, он/она должен затем агитировать за партию, пытаясь получить больше членов.

В конце игры выигрывает самая крупная партия.

Примечание: эта игра длиннее, чем в средняя по времени, и может занять более получаса.

Тип деятельности

всем классом, смешанная

Практическая направленность
Аргументы и убеждения, предложения и планы

Речевые клише
Я думаю / верю в это . . .   На мой взгляд. . .   Это же очевидно . . .   Вы должны согласиться с этим . . .   Мы бы с удовольствием . . .  X должен быть / будет / будет . . .

Лексический материал: 

запрет, производство, обязательное, диета, избыточный вес, добавки, закрытие, нормирование, отменено, оценка, эстетика, стандарты, монитор, снос, зарплаты, выпуск, классическая музыка, субсидированный, борьба, требование, сложный, автоматизация, робот, ссылки, удобства, домашний.



Английская версия.

Make one copy of each of the manifestos. Choose three articulate students and give each of them one manifesto.

The object of the game is for each of these students to win as many people as possible over to his / her cause.

To do this, they should move around the class, explaining their party's policy to other students and trying to get them to join the party.
The rules are:

a) everyone must join a party
b) no one can join more than one party
c) as soon as a student has joined a party, he/she must then
canvas for the party, trying to get more members.

At the end of the game, the largest party wins.

Note: This game is longer than average and may take over half an hour.

Type of activity

whole class, combining

Function practiced
argument and persuasion
proposals and plans

I think / believe that . . .
In my opinion . . .
It's obvious that . . .
You must agree that . . .
We would like to . . .
should be / would be / will be . . .

Lexical areas
health, arts, technology

Problem vocabulary
ban, manufacture, compulsory, diet, overweight, reveille, additive, closure, outlet, rationing, abolished, appreciation, aesthetic, standards, monitor, demolition, salaries, issue, piped music, subsidized, struggling, requirement, sophisticated, automation, robot, links, facilities, domestic


The Public Health and Safety Party

Your slogan is:
You are very concerned about public health and fitness.
You'd like to see a generally fitter, more active population.
Your policies are:
Ban alcohol.
No smoking; ban cigarette manufacture.
Ban cars; free bikes issued to everyone.
Compulsory exercise every morning.
Compulsory diets for those more than 3 kilos overweight.
National Bed time at 10 p.m.
Reveille for all at 6 a.m.
No chemical additives in food.
Closure of all fish and chips hops and fast food outlets.
Sugar rationing.

The Aesthetic Liberation Front 

Your slogan is:
You are very concerned about the decline in culture this century. You want to bring beauty back into modern life and to increase the quantity and quality of art produced.
Your policies are:
Free museums, art galleries, theatres, and cinemas for all.
Compulsory art appreciation classes; compulsory attendance at one play or film and one concert per week.
An Aesthetic Standards Authority to monitor all plans for new buildings, decoration of houses, road construction schemes, etc.
Demolition of all buildings built after 1920;no new building over 5 storeys high. 
State salaries for writers and artists.
Books and music issued monthly to every household.
Every private company to be responsible for subsidizing the publication of ten books or production of two plays every year.
Piped classical music in the streets.

The Technological Advance Party

Your slogan is:
You think that the way for ward is through rapid technological progress.
Your policies are:
More money to be spent on space exploration.
More money for scientific and medical research.
Abolish arts teaching in schools.
Teaching to be done by computer.
Automate everything.
Faster transport;development of supersonic cars.
Domestic robots for every home.
More sophisticated leisure facilities (since man power will no longer be needed): more TV
channels, better video games, etc.
Foundation of colonies in space.

How to use the game


9- 2 Сплоченная семья



3931 просмотров

9-13 Мой друг



1641 просмотров

9-29 Мы - то, что мы едим



2049 просмотров

9-36 Здоровый сон



3326 просмотров

9-36 Здоровый сон



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