8-34 5-план урока
I. Warm-up
- What are the most important foods for people?
- Do you eat them? How often?
- Do you enjoy them?
- Guess what food we are going to read and speak about today.
Puzzle. Unscramble the word.
- Draw Ss’ attention to the word bread written on the board in a jumbled order ebdar
II. Checking homework
SB, ex. 6, lesson 4.
Ss read their recipes in groups and choose the most interesting one to share with the whole class.
III. Reading and speaking
Предтекстовый этап
- SB, ex. la. Start with a proverb your Ss already know. Tell your Ss that in different languages one may find the proverbs that have an exact or very close translation and others that convey the same meaning but have very different wording.
- SB, ex. lb. Ss listen to the recording and read the proverbs aloud (Shared reading).
- Tapescript in SB, ex. 1a
- SB, ex. lc
- SB, ex. 2a. Ss answer the questions in pairs. Ask one or two pairs to share their ideas with the class.
Текстовый этап
SB, ex. 2b.
Ss work in pairs but read different texts. S1 reads text A and S2 reads text B. Each of them will be ready to answer 1/2 of the questions.
Послетекстовый этап
SB, ex. 2c.
Ss interview each other to find out the answP>. for the second half of the questions. 5
IV. Grammar presentation
SB, ex. 3a.
Reading. Ss read individually and discuss the meaning of the words in bold in pairs.
Check understanding of the new grammar with the whole class.
Working out the rule.
SB, ex. 3b.
Ss work in pairs. One pair reports to the rest of the class. Ss check their findings with the rule on pp. 197 - 198.
WB, ex. 1 Moving activity.
Use personal and reflexive pronouns on strips of paper. Shuffle them and hand out to Ss. They have to make up matching pairs.
V. Workbook activities
WB ex. 2, 3.
Key to ex. 2: myself, himself, themselves, yourself, herself, myself.
Key to ex. 3: Leaf - leaves; loaf - loaves; half - halves; shelf - shelves; knife - knives; wolf - wolves.
VI. Homework
SB, ex. 4a, 5.
VII. Round-up
Ss say what they or their relatives can do themselves.
8-34 4-проект
8-34 5-форум