question-circle Вопрос 8-72,73 Your last visit to the concert

5 года 1 мес. назад - 5 года 1 мес. назад #1 от admin
Share your impressions on the concert you have been to. 
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5 года 4 нед. назад - 5 года 4 нед. назад #2 от Liza-Jukova-vkontakte
 My last visited to the concert was last summer in Gomel. It was a group of  the group "21 pilots". It was has been my dream from 8 year since my childhood to see their performance live, and it came has (finally) come true (результат, Present Perfect). It was an amazing musical experience!
 If you like country and folk, then I recommend you listen to their music and visit their concert. Because:
1) You will be crazy about their music and style. After all everyone is seems to be crazy about them, even the way they talked. So they have a lot of fans and are very popular abroad.
2) During the performance, everyone sang their songs at the concert was singing along I have never seen anything more touching and full of new kind of energy in all my life.
3) "21 pilots" usually draws (множ.число, группа, а не 3-е лицо ед.числа) full house, this concert is no exception. Every fan at the concert listening to their music was relaxed, but at the same time filled with energy. It was a huge success! I will never forget this wonderful atmosphere.
 I think I called you powerful the best arguments have made a convincing case to you (не надо механически переводить то, что не учили или изобретать) to visit their concert. After this concert, I began to get into their music and their style even more, because now I listen to their music over and over in the background at full volume and when my mum is driving the car she is doing so.
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Спасибо сказали: admin

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5 года 4 нед. назад - 5 года 4 нед. назад #3 от КоцурАнгелина
Yesterday I traveled back in time b car and was to 1962 and was at "The Beatles" concert. I was very glad that I could finally see their live performance. It  has always been my dream to watch them live on the stage. At the time, everyone seemed to get crazy about their music and their way of performing. People said that their music is was (согласование времен) not only fantastic, but also fillsed you with a new kind of energy. So for me it was a huge success that I had  (согласование времен) moved at to this that time in the past. When I first heard their music, it seemed to me that they playsed  it no one else can could do, because I had never heard anything more energetic and pleasant. Another success was that I had gotten a very nice place right next to the stage, so I could see "The Beatles" very well, their style. way of performing on the stage. Later, when I flew had arrived (согласование времен) back into my time, I told everyone about this that wonderful concert and the band. Since then Many of my classmates also began to listen have started listening to their music. We listen to them over and over at full volume. Now for me and my friends this it is the best background music.
Спасибо сказали: admin

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