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Tank. School is a place to learn, not a place to dress up. So I say ‘yes’ to uniforms.
Pinky. I think that school uniforms stop most bullying. If all the students look the same nobody is left out.
John. Don’t these schools do enough damage making all these kids think alike? Do they have to make them look alike too? I totally disagree with this idea for my children.
Trendy. I’m 15 and I can’t agree with the idea of uniforms for schools. I don’t see why we should wear them. Everyone knows that kids express themselves through clothes. If you wear a collared shirt and a tie to school, you show that you are more grownup, and possibly want to go into business. If you wear athletic clothes, you show that you are into sports. If you wear all black you show sadness. If you wear bright colours, you show excitement. The list goes on and on. You can tell people who you are, what you feel, and maybe even what you are thinking, simply through your clothes. Personally, I think that school uniforms completely kill this form of self-expression (самовыражение).
Ray. Definitely. Students who wear the same thing look organised and disciplined. In my opinion, it helps focus on the studies better.
Diego Hello, I’m Diego, a 14 year-old boy who goes to a public school. Here are my reasons why uniforms are good:
1) school uniforms save you money,
2) school uniforms save you time in the mornings to get to school,
3) school uniforms prepare you for work life in which you must often wear a uniform or follow a dress code.
Faith. I am 16 and have had uniform since kindergarten. Well, many people think that students who wear similar clothes study better. I’m not sure about it. Kids with uniform don’t have any more discipline than students without. There is still bullying. Kids can dress the same as someone else but uniform doesn’t affect weight, hair, skin, intelligence, attitude, voice or height. Kids still don’t focus in school and still drop out, even if they’ve had uniform from the start.
Grace. I’m 14 and I will be attending a dress coded school. Before, in my old school, I didn’t have to wear a uniform. But actually I am glad that I will have to wear uniform. No more “What should I wear?” or “Does this make me look fat?’ and even “I hope I look the best.” I won’t have to worry about the way I look  anymore, and I like it. So, I’m definitely for school uniform!




    School Uniform    
1. School uniforms create a sense of unity and Identity in a school. Uniforms create a definitive idea of 'us' as opposed to them (them being students from other schools).
2. Even though many students may hate wearing their uniform, they often take pride in it secretly, especially when confronted by students from other schools.
3. School uniforms ensure that the students wear practical clothes. School uniforms are special!/ designed to allow students to take part in a range of educational activities. They are appropriate for both learning and practicing sports.
4. School uniforms prevent bullying. School uniforms act as a social leveler between students from different backgrounds, ranging from rich to poor. Uniforms ensure that all students wear the same thing no matter what their financial situation is.
5. Students' clothing may very like!/ become an indicator of how well off their parents are. When children are not able to keep up with the latest and often more expensive fashion trends they are more likely to be bullied by their peers. Students will find enough reasons to bully each other on their own. So, let's not give them one more reason.
6. School uniforms are necessary for safety reasons. School uniforms allow teachers and staff to distinguish between students and strangers. These days, schools have to be especially vigilant about outsiders who want to invade the schoolyard to take advantage of vulnerable students. Uniforms make it easier for the staff to indentify intruders and to take appropriate action to protect the children.
7. Moreover, uniforms can also help teachers keep track of their students on excursions and school trips abroad. A uniform helps them to spot their students even in large crowds of people.
8. School uniforms have a positive impact on behavior and discipline. They encourage discipline. Wearing a school uniform teaches students respect for authority because it's something they do because they are told to. It finally distinguishes them from the teachers, those whose authority they are under.
9. There are other ways for students to express themselves outside of just their appearance. Expression is often more internal than it is external. Having a uniform can be viewed positively in the case for self-expression in that students can then express themselves in other ways. Not needing to worry about what to wear everyday and in turn this could result in avoiding pointless fashion trends which are often more conformist rather than individualistic.
10. Educators and experts believe that uniforms contribute positively to students' behavior. They believe that when students wear uniforms, they feel more professional and behave accordingly. Many educators believe that students are easily distracted by fashion clothing. Therefore, when all students are dressed in uniforms, there is less focus on fashion in the classroom and more focus on learning.
11. Mornings are easier for parents and for kids. Everyone knows exactly what they need to wear, their school uniform. This can lead to a decrease in morning arguments and needless stress.
12. Buying a few school uniforms instead of a new school wardrobe every fall is less expensive. School uniforms are designed to stand up to everyday wear and repeated washing.


1. Imposing school uniforms prevents students from being creative. Students should have the right to show their individual identity. School uniforms prevent them from expressing who they are. Is that really fair or wise?

2. School uniforms are expensive. Having to buy expensive school uniforms on top of regular after school and weekend clothes can become a financial burden for families, especially for those with multiple school-aged children.
3. School is already expensive. Parents have to pay for school excursions, books and transport. Adding the cost of often expensive school uniforms represents an additional financial burden for many families, especially those from low socioeconomic backgrounds.
4. School uniforms are often uncomfortable to wear as they are sometimes made out of uncomfortable material. Some children are sensitive to certain materials while others are opposed to buttons, or zippers. Many girls, for example, do not like to wear skirts or dresses, which most girls' uniforms require. Of course no uniform can suit all children.
5. An alternative to school uniforms is instilling dress codes. This means that the school can continue to enforce dress standards without forcing all students to wear the exact same thing. By having an enforceable dress code, it's possible to have the best of both worlds.
6. Many students who are against school uniforms argue that they lose their identity when they lose their right to express themselves through fashion.
7. Some schools specify a certain manufacturer or store in order to ensure uniformity, making it harder to find competitive prices. Other schools may even have a variety of uniforms, some for daily wear, more formal uniforms for special occasions, and yet another outfit for gym class. All that makes it quite expensive.
8. Many school uniforms are designed to be affordable. However for families with two or more children they become a signif icant cost. There's also the problem that children are growing rapidly, so a new uniform will probably be required every year.
9. Often uniforms include custom-embroidered items such as shirts or blazers, and many schools have a preferred supplier for these. In many cases there is only one supplier authorized to sell the school's logo.
10. Some uniforms are not safe. School uniforms, especially for boys, traditionally include a tie. There are risks with ties, they can become caught in things, creating a strangulation hazard, and are easily grabbed during playground scuffles.
11. Uniforms do not stop bullying. If children want to bully a classmate they will, no matter what he's wearing. If they cannot tease him for his clothing they will simply find something else.
12. By forcing children to dress identically their ability to express their personality, creativity and personal preferences is stifled. So, one can say that uniforms harm free expression.
Источник: www.eslprintables.com

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