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1. Technology makes our lives easier. Cars, phones. TV, the internet and kitchen accessories all make our life more convenient or keep us entertained. We've got robots vacuuming our carpets and scrubbing our floors. We have everything in our homes just a click of button away.
2. Computers, email, and the internet have changed out lives as well. Things can be done almost instantly with the use of new technology.
3. Let's not forget that thanks to technological progress many peoples' lives are saved. Permanently ways to cure incurable diseases are developed. Methods of regaining hearing, sight and others are being improved all the time. Medical breakthroughs have increased life expectancy, provided cures and improved preventive care.
4. Technology also helps in criminal investigation.
Devices, that were never heard of before, help catching dangerous criminals. Spying equipment can prevent crime and track missing persons or solve old cases.
5. The means of manufacturing goods has also been greatly streamlined. This has caused a major reduce in waste, and lower costs for the consumers.
6. Furthermore, technology has created an immense amount of new jobs. An entirely new group of people are needed to work with, develop, and maintain all the new technology in our homes.
1. People tend to become too dependent on mobile phones.
2. People without a mobile phone are thought of as eccentric and left out.
3. Some people feel uncomfortable or handicapped without their mobiles.
4. Talking on mobile phones can also be expensive because the SCHOOL roaming costs are high, especially when abroad or overseas.
5. Mobiles are believed by some people to give out radioactive waves and some scientists believe that this radioactivity can cause brain tumors or damage our ears.
6. People can easily become addicted to mobile phones since they are now multi-purposed with different functions.
7. Mobile phones can also cause a lot of problems such as cheating in tests at school or university.
8. Mobile phones affect students learning abilities and concentration at school as they may play games and send messages during lessons.
9. Some children are known to use their phones 6 to 7 hours a day.
Источник: www.eslprintables.com
 Mobile telephones 
1. Young people feel safer and protected if they can reach family and friends quickly.
2. It is a convenient means of keeping in touch with anyone at any time.
3. For many they have become an indispensable part of their daily lives.
4. It is easy to keep in contact with others at any time, even outdoors or in remote areas, where there are no telephones.
Mobile phones enable us to call for during times of emergency and sav lives.
6. In some cases the police made use of the victims' cell phones to locate the kidnappers or other criminals.
7. Mobiles are not only a great time-saving device, but they are a source of entertainment too.
1. People tend to become too dependent on mobile phones.
2. People without a mobile phone are thought of as eccentric and left out.
3. Some people feel uncomfortable or handicapped without their mobiles.
4. Talking on mobile phones can also be expensive because the SCHOOL roaming costs are high, especially when abroad or overseas.
5. Mobiles are believed by some people to give out radioactive waves and some scientists believe that this radioactivity can cause brain tumors or damage our ears.
6. People can easily become addicted to mobile phones since they are now multi-purposed with different functions.
7. Mobile phones can also cause a lot of problems such as cheating in tests at school or university.
8. Mobile phones affect students learning abilities and concentration at school as they may play games and send messages during lessons.
9. Some children are known to use their phones 6 to 7 hours a day.
Источник: www.eslprintables.com
    The Internet    
1. Anything can be found in no time on the internet. There are millions of websites that are dedicated to all different types of topics. This wealth of information helps people to better understand things that they may have never thought or cared about before.
2. Gone are the days when people had to wait for their evening news before they got their daily dose of what was happening around the world.
3. Thanks to the internet people can connect with loved ones, family members, and friends all over the globe in real time. This is also ideal for employers who outsource their workers in different areas of the world.
4. Online shopping has recently become very fashionable. With electronic payment methods, shopping from home has become the method of choice for a lot of consumers.
5. Students have a wealth oresources available to them online on nearly every subject instead of having to go to a library. They can do so from the comforts of their home. Also, the Internet never closes, so information is at students' disposal at any time.
6. Furthermore when students have to do their schoolwork the Internet becomes an extension of the classroom. There are loads of Educational Web sites, and many of these sites are monitored by teachers. These sites are valuable resources for them.
1. Unfortunately the possibility of becoming the victim of misinformation is highly possible. The internet is full of false articles. It is up to the user to discern whether the information can be trusted.
2. Studies have shown that social media sites make people less social. The internet has somehow taken away part of the warmth of real human connection.
3. Making a payment online is easy and simple - all you really need to do is click a button. Then you have to wait for the items to be shipped to your residence, and sometimes, those deliveries never actually make it to your doorstep. And if these frauds decide to take down their site and disappear all together, you may lose your money altogether.
4. When it comes to using the Internet to complete schoolwork the problem is the reliability of the information. Many sites do not offer reliable information. Students, especially younger students, may not be capable of discerning fact from fiction, good from bad.
5. With the Internet students may be tempted to cheat. They may be tempted to simply cut and paste answers to homework problems, and pretend it is their own.
6. The Internet can also be a significant distraction to students. Many sites can quickly distract kids from their everyday life.
Источник: https://www.eslprintables.com

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