8- 40 Проблема выбора

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Звезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активна


You and yourfriends are talking about different currencies. You think that every country in the world should have the same currency but yourfriends disagree. Think about the advantages and disadvantages of this.
Your family have asked you what you would like for your birthday. You would only like money but they want to give you a present like clothes or books. Explain to them why you would prefer to have money over objects.

You are in a meeting with your boss.
Your company has made extra money this month. Your boss wants to spend it on creating a TV advert but you think it is a better idea to spend it on something else. What do you think the company should spend it on?

You have just received some money for your birthday and you are deciding what to spend it on. You want to buy a new motorbike butyourfriend thinks that you should consider getting an electric bike. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of this.

You and your friend have just been to see a film. You know that the male actors in this film were paid more money than the female actresses. You think that this is wrong but your friend disagrees.

You have been invited to a friends' birthday party but they have asked that all the guests pay 10€to cover the cost of food and drink. You and your friends don't thinkthis is fair. Decide whether you are going to pay.

You and your brother/sisterare going to buy a birthday present for your mum together. You want to go into town and look in the shops but your brother/sister wants to look online. Discuss with them what you are going to do.

You buy all your music from iTunes. However, your best friend downloads his music illegally from websites like YouTube. Explain to your friend why you think that this is wrong. Consider the ways in which musicians make their money .

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8- 14 Школьные традиции и цели



2857 просмотров

8- 17 Экскурсия по школе



2158 просмотров

8- 32 Apple pie


1071 просмотров

8- 34 We cook ourselves


1531 просмотров

8- 35 Речевой зачет "Cooking"


1304 просмотров

8- 36 Cookery book


1722 просмотров

8- 38 Деньги


1506 просмотров

8- 39 Деньги говорят


1812 просмотров

8- 41 Планирование расходов



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