9-58 Климатическая карта мира

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The UK
The UK is an island country and its weather and climate are strongly influenced by the sea, which surrounds the British Isles (Great Britain and Ireland). As the British Isles are times smaller than other lands in the northern hemisphere, they are more influenced by the ocean than inland countries with similar latitude. The sea warms up and cools down more slowly than land, keeping winters relatively (относительно) warm but also making the summers cooler. Besides, the warm sea current called the Gulf Stream, which starts in the Gulf of Mexico, keeps the sea on the west side of Britain warmer – frosts are rare (редки) in these areas.
The overall climate in the UK is called temperate maritime. This means that it is mild with temperatures not much lower than 0 °C in winter and not much higher than 30 °C in summer. It also means that it is humid and changeable. 
B ecause of its huge (very big) size the US climate is incred- ibly1 varied. If there is a ‘general’ climate then it is temperate, but it is also tropical in Flo rida and Hawaii, arctic in Alaska, arid in the Great Basin of the southwest and semi-arid in the Great Plains to the west of the Mississippi River.
The temperatures range from 57 degrees C during the summer months in California’s Death Valley to –62 degrees C in Alaska, with lots of different temperatures in between.
B elarus has a humid continental climate with four distinct seasons and a sharp contrast between severe winters and
warm summers.

The average annual temperature is 5.8 degrees Celsius. Average monthly temperatures vary by 24 °C, ranging from – 6 degrees Celsius on average in January to that of 18 degrees Celsius in summer.
Belarus has an average annual precipitation (rain and snow) of 550 to 700 mm, spread evenly throughout all months.
The average number of sunlight hours in Minsk is 1815 (of 4383 possible). It means that it is sunny 41,4% of daylight hours. The remaining 58,6% of daylight hours are cloudy, foggy or misty, mostly from October to March.

In general, there are no significant (great) differences between the districts of Belarus, due to the small size of the country.
The climate is influenced by the country’s inland location, the domination of flat relief and relative remoteness (удаленность) from the Atlantic Ocean.






























  1. What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘weather’?
  2. What is your favourite weather?
  3. What do you think of today’s weather?
  4. Do you worry about the world’s changing weather?
  5. Why do different countries have different weather?
  6. Has the weather in your country changed over the past decades?
  7. Have you ever experienced extreme weather?
  8. Do you always try and look at or read the weather forecast?
  9. John Ruskin said: "There is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather." What do you think of this quote?
  10. Anthony J. D'Angelo said: "Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine." What do you think of this quote?
  11. What are your favourite weather words?
  12. Do you understand all the symbols on the weather map?
  13. How does the weather change you feelings?
  14. When was the last time the weather destroyed one of your plans?
  15. Have you ever had to weather a storm?
  16. Would you like to work as a weather forecaster?
  17. What do you think the weather will be like in your country 100 years from now?
  18. What new weather would you like to invent?
  19. Kin Hubbard said: "Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while." What do you think of this quote?
  20. Someone once said: "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute." What do you think of this quote? 

Источник esldiscussions.com

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