9-37 Unit III. HEALTH

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Звезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активна


  1. What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘food’?
  2. How often do you think about food?
  3. Can you eat anything?
  4. Can you go without food for a whole day?
  5. Do you have to watch what you eat?
  6. What is your favourite breakfast, lunch and dinner?
  7. Do you think your country’s food is the best?
  8. Do you think “you are what you eat”?
  9. What do you think about canned, frozen and processed food?
  10. What kinds of international cuisine do you like?
  11. Are you fussy or particular about the food you eat?
  12. Have your favourite kinds of food changed over the years?
  13. Do you like fast food and slow food?
  14. What do you think about food additives?
  15. Do you care where the food you eat comes from?
  16. What national dishes from your country would you recommend to the world?
  17. Do you worry about the rising cost of food?
  18. Do you think the world’s food will ever run out?
  19. What do you think of genetically-modified (GM) food?
  20. Is your food bill big?

Источник esldiscussions.com

Fast Food "For or Against" 


1. Fast food restaurants attract particularly young people.
2. They are popular because their menus are cheap and the atmosphere is friendly.
3. Parents can take their children there which is very convenient. Children can run all over the place without anyone complaining.
4. Some of these fast food restaurants are open 24-hours a day.
5. People from different social layers can mix there.
6. Fast food restaurants are places where one can socialize chat, listen to music, enjoy oneselves and eat with one's fingers.
7. Saving time: you don't have to wait for hours and everyone is cool.
8. Fast food saves time and energy after a long day of work, with no time for shopping or cooking.
9. It makes part of our fast-paced lives, we can't do without.
10. Fast food restaurants are fun especially for teenagers.


1. Some people say the food lacks diversity, the beef is greasy, the fries are fatty, and the smell is sickening.
2. There is obviously a link between fast food and the increasing number of obese people in the Western world.
3. Surveys say that fast food contributes to teen obesity.
4. Many foods are considered unhealthy if you eat too much of them. Fast food restaurants offer super-size option, these should absolutely be avoided.
5. This kind of food contains a high number of saturated fats, which are harmful for the body, especially if eaten in abundance.
6. People often don't even know what they eat, or what the ingredients are.
7. It is a fact that fast food is more unhealthy than home-cooked meals, as they contain higher amounts of salt, fats and calories.
8. Fast food often contain less vitamins than is necessary.
9. Eating a lot of calories tends to make you overweight. This leads to issues like diabetes and heart diseases.
10. Too much fat tends to cause things like high cholesterol, this also contributes to heart disease.

Источник: www.eslprintables.com




Students face each other in pairs and engage in the following (for-fun) 2-minute debates. Students A are assigned the first argument, students B the second. Rotate pairs to ensure a lively pace and noise level is kept:

  •  Smoking should not be banned in public places.  It should.
  •  Smokers have rights. They don’t.
  •  Passive smoking doesn’t kill people.  It does.
  •  Smoking doesn’t kill you.  It does.
  •  You can’t ban smoking in pubs and bars.  You can. This treaty will not work. It will.
  •  Smoking will completely disappear one day.  It won’t.


































  1. What are some things that people are addicted to? Brainstorm.
  2. Are you addicted to anything? Talk about it. Is it dangerous?
  3. Is TV important to you? How many hours do you watch every week?
  4. Which addictions are dangerous? Which aren't?
  5. How can you stop being addicted to something? Are there cures for addictions?
  6. Do you know anyone who is addicted? Talk about it. (don't use real names)
  7. Do you have a game console? (e.g. Playstation. Gameboy) How often do you play?
  8. Have you ever played cards (or any other game) for money? Talk about it.
  9. How often do you eat fast food like pizza or hamburgers?
  10. How often do you buy lottery tickets or play the lotto? Have you ever won?
  11. How often do you drink coffee? Could you live without it?
  12. Are you a workaholic? How many hours a week do you work? Do you take work home?
  13. Do you have a mobile phone? How often do you use it? What do you use it for?
  14. Do you smoke? If not, why not? If so, could you stop if you wanted to?
  15. Are you a shopaholic? How often do you go shopping? Is it dongerous? Explain. Do you ever buy things on the Internet or from a catalogue? How often do you do this?
  16. Is gambling popular in your country? Is it legal? What do people gamble on?


































  1. What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘smoking’?
  2. Smoking kills. Why don’t people understand this?
  3. Is smoking a problem in your country?
  4. Why do people start smoking?
  5. Why do you think it is so difficult for people to give up and quit smoking?
  6. Do you get angry about passive smoking – breathing in second-hand smoke?
  7. Do you think smokers should pay higher health costs?
  8. Should Hollywood, Bollywood, etc. show smoking in movies?
  9. Do you know any chain smoking? How could you get them to stop?
  10. Which is worse for your health, smoking every day or drinking every day?
  11. Do you think smoking is cool?
  12. Why don’t governments ban smoking if it causes so many health problems?
  13. Where are the no-smoking areas in your town?
  14. What can we do to stop children smoking?
  15. What does smoking do to your health?
  16. Why do tobacco company ads always have healthy-looking young people smoking in beautiful places?
  17. How would the world be different if smoking was suddenly banned?
  18. What do you think when you see a pregnant woman smoking?
  19. Someone once said: “I'd rather kiss a mad cow on the muzzle than a smoker on the mouth.” What do you think about this?
  20. Do you think smoking will ever disappear?

Источник esldiscussions.com

   Fast Food  

  1. What springs to mind when you hear the term ‘junk food’?
  2. How often do you eat junk food?
  3. What is it about junk food that is so bad for us?
  4. Do you think there should be a junk food tax to help pay for people who go to hospital with heart and weight problems?
  5. Why is junk food so delicious?
  6. Are parents who feed junk food to their children irresponsible?
  7. Do you think there’ll be more or less junk food in the future?
  8. What junk food do you really, really like?
  9. Is the junk food from your country tastier than the junk food from other countries?
  10. How can you change your lifestyle to eat less junk food?
  11. Do lots of people eat junk food in your country?
  12. Does your government educate people about the dangers of junk food?
  13. Do you think junk food makers are immoral and should think more about people’s health?
  14. What do you think of people who eat mostly junk food?
  15. Does junk food or good quality healthy food make you happier?
  16. If you had to choose between a strict vegetarian diet forever or a junk food diet forever, which would you choose?
  17. Why does junk food cost so much?
  18. What is the definition of junk food?
  19. Is chocolate the most addictive junk food?
  20. Do you think people ate junk food hundreds of years ago?

Источник esldiscussions.com


"Здоровье", "Искусство", "Технологии"

Связь с лексическим материалом данного урока: 

Ban alcohol.
No smoking; ban cigarette manufacture.
Ban cars; free bikes issued to everyone.
Compulsory exercise every morning.
Compulsory diets for those more than 3 kilos overweight.
National Bed time at 10 p.m.
Reveille for all at 6 a.m.
No chemical additives in food.
Closure of all fish and chips hops and fast food outlets.
Sugar rationing.

Цель игры:

для каждого из этих студентов привлечь к себе как можно больше людей на свою сторону. Для этого они должны передвигаться по классу, объясняя политику своей партии другим студентам и пытаясь заставить их присоединиться к партии, используя речевой материал по теме урока.

Как играть в игру "Агитация" "Canvassing"

Сделайте по одной копии каждого манифеста. Выберите трех подходящих студентов и дайте каждому из них их один манифест.


а) каждый должен вступить в партию 
б) никто не может вступить более чем в одну партию 
в) как только студент вступил в партию, он/она должен затем агитировать за партию, пытаясь получить больше членов.

В конце игры выигрывает самая крупная партия.

Примечание: эта игра длиннее, чем в средняя по времени, и может занять более получаса.

Тип деятельности

всем классом, смешанная

Практическая направленность
Аргументы и убеждения, предложения и планы

Речевые клише
Я думаю / верю в это . . .   На мой взгляд. . .   Это же очевидно . . .   Вы должны согласиться с этим . . .   Мы бы с удовольствием . . .  X должен быть / будет / будет . . .

Лексический материал: 

запрет, производство, обязательное, диета, избыточный вес, добавки, закрытие, нормирование, отменено, оценка, эстетика, стандарты, монитор, снос, зарплаты, выпуск, классическая музыка, субсидированный, борьба, требование, сложный, автоматизация, робот, ссылки, удобства, домашний.



Английская версия.

Make one copy of each of the manifestos. Choose three articulate students and give each of them one manifesto.

The object of the game is for each of these students to win as many people as possible over to his / her cause.

To do this, they should move around the class, explaining their party's policy to other students and trying to get them to join the party.
The rules are:

a) everyone must join a party
b) no one can join more than one party
c) as soon as a student has joined a party, he/she must then
canvas for the party, trying to get more members.

At the end of the game, the largest party wins.

Note: This game is longer than average and may take over half an hour.

Type of activity

whole class, combining

Function practiced
argument and persuasion
proposals and plans

I think / believe that . . .
In my opinion . . .
It's obvious that . . .
You must agree that . . .
We would like to . . .
should be / would be / will be . . .

Lexical areas
health, arts, technology

Problem vocabulary
ban, manufacture, compulsory, diet, overweight, reveille, additive, closure, outlet, rationing, abolished, appreciation, aesthetic, standards, monitor, demolition, salaries, issue, piped music, subsidized, struggling, requirement, sophisticated, automation, robot, links, facilities, domestic


The Public Health and Safety Party

Your slogan is:
You are very concerned about public health and fitness.
You'd like to see a generally fitter, more active population.
Your policies are:
Ban alcohol.
No smoking; ban cigarette manufacture.
Ban cars; free bikes issued to everyone.
Compulsory exercise every morning.
Compulsory diets for those more than 3 kilos overweight.
National Bed time at 10 p.m.
Reveille for all at 6 a.m.
No chemical additives in food.
Closure of all fish and chips hops and fast food outlets.
Sugar rationing.

The Aesthetic Liberation Front 

Your slogan is:
You are very concerned about the decline in culture this century. You want to bring beauty back into modern life and to increase the quantity and quality of art produced.
Your policies are:
Free museums, art galleries, theatres, and cinemas for all.
Compulsory art appreciation classes; compulsory attendance at one play or film and one concert per week.
An Aesthetic Standards Authority to monitor all plans for new buildings, decoration of houses, road construction schemes, etc.
Demolition of all buildings built after 1920;no new building over 5 storeys high. 
State salaries for writers and artists.
Books and music issued monthly to every household.
Every private company to be responsible for subsidizing the publication of ten books or production of two plays every year.
Piped classical music in the streets.

The Technological Advance Party

Your slogan is:
You think that the way for ward is through rapid technological progress.
Your policies are:
More money to be spent on space exploration.
More money for scientific and medical research.
Abolish arts teaching in schools.
Teaching to be done by computer.
Automate everything.
Faster transport;development of supersonic cars.
Domestic robots for every home.
More sophisticated leisure facilities (since man power will no longer be needed): more TV
channels, better video games, etc.
Foundation of colonies in space.

How to use the game

9- 2 Сплоченная семья



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