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In the morning:

Natalie: Well, Alesya, I’m rich today. I have earned some money from the paper round, I’ve got the money for the chores and I’ve got my pocket money, so I can waste a couple of quid. Let’s go and spend.

Alesya: What’s quid? Is it seafood? Natalie: No, silly. It’s an informal word for pounds - our British currency. And what’s your currency - euro?

Alesya: No, silly. It’s roubles - Belaru­sian roubles. When I was leaving Minsk, the ex­change rate was around 3,500 roubles for a pound.

Natalie: I see. Where’s your purse? Alesya: I don’t have a purse. In Belarus we do not use coins, so it’s more convenient to have a wallet for keeping banknotes and credit cards. Look!

Natalie: Let’s barter! I’ll give you £1, if you give me one ban­knote with this beautiful building. What is it?

Alesya: It’s our famous place of interest - the castle of Nesvizh. But it’s not fair! It’s a huge amount of money. For this banknote I can get about 30 quid.

Natalie: I see you are learning quickly. Good for you! But why do you carry all this Belarusian money with you? ...

In the afternoon:

Alesya: I’d like to buy this book for my dad - it’s about old coins. No, I can’t afford it. It’s too expensive. It costs £25!!! OK, I’ll buy that one instead. I can get it almost for free.

Natalie: Let me buy this book for you. I have been saving to buy you a good present. Look, I have saved £50.

Alesya: Never! I don't want any charity. And this book is not for me, it's for my father.

Natalie: Let’s not argue, shall we? I’ve decided. I l’ll lend you this money, and you’ll pay me back when I come to Belarus....

In the evening:

Natalie: Look, Alesya! I’ve got only one pence left - just a penny. I was as rich as Croesus in the morning and now I’m as poor as a church mouse. I’ve got no cash! And the stuff I’ve bought is such a waste!

Alesya: You must learn how to budget and cut down your expenses or you’ll have to make ends meet next month.

Natalie: Yes, you are right. I must be more responsible. Oh, I know! I’ll sell my Barbie dolls collection on the Internet! Alesya: Oh, Natalie...

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